Community Monthly Update – January 2022
We had our first ever WSWG Carol Singing event to celebrate the winter solstice in Taymount Wood on 21 December.
We are a Community Project which means that without local support we won’t be able to go forward with plans to bring Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into Community ownership. You can read here about our latest progress, some of the projects and activities we’re involved in and our ideas going forward. Also here are some wonderful blogs for WSWG from Margaret Lear and The Barefoot Woodland Wanderer!
You can go back through the archives from 2018 to learn more about our whole journey so far to bring Taymount and Five Mile Wood into community ownership.
Please join us and let’s make this happen together.
We had our first ever WSWG Carol Singing event to celebrate the winter solstice in Taymount Wood on 21 December.
Whew! We are relieved to say that, apart from general debris, both woods seem to have come off relatively lightly in Storm Arwen compared to many forests across Scotland.
It does seem to be all very administrative news this month! But a lovely thing to let you in on is that there continues to be a pleasingly steady flow of new people signing up as WSWG members, and welcome to all. The most recent local people joining have taken us up to 472 Members with a further 282 named Supporters on our books.
“Soggy Saturday in October” – this month’s wonderfully descriptive blog from Margaret Lear on the “olfactory hamper” that is Five Mile Wood at this time of year. Although it has to be said that we have had some amazingly warm and sunny weather this month too!
The turn of the season is felt, not so much as a drop in temperature or the way the need for warm socks and waterproofs creeps up on you, but in the way the woods smell different. Decaying leaves, leaves still on the trees but for whom decay is imminent: the smell, for me, of being 11 years old and at a new school, where our introduction to Biology was the invitation to compile a Biology Scrapbook over the course of a year.
More litter-picking required at Taymount Wood car park this month. And in the nettles and ditches too. It would be so nice if it stopped, wouldn’t it?
Finding consensus on specific woodland management proposals on a compartment by compartment basis in both woods has been the main activity for WSWG’s Shadow Board and advisers lately.
Still, sultry mornings make taking photos of wild plants easier … but watch out for the flies…
…sated with flowers, I drifted back to the path, casting hopeful glances into the mossy ditches and banks beside the track. It was June, early for the summer edible mushrooms, but not too early to look…..
Now we can start to meet up in bigger numbers outdoors, we’ve managed several site visits with Shadow Board members in Taymount Wood for different purposes which has been really enjoyable and uplifting…
Acorn update! Just one month on, look at the change in our community-grown oak seedlings! This photo, contributed by Carolyn MacDonald of Aberfeldy, shows four of the ten seedlings she has grown from acorns provided as part of WSWG’s Little Acorns project. Her daughter, who is a primary school teacher in Perth, is growing another in her classroom, which we hear the children love. Really good to know so many people are enjoying being part of this project.
Wandering into Five Mile Wood last week, I was considering what might turn out to be the wood’s gift this month when I got distracted by a long-ago fallen log. Or rather, the holes in it.
Whilst Membership of West Stormont Woodland Group is FREE and always will be, fundraising is a major objective in our journey to bring this woodland under community ownership. Please consider making a donation, however small, to keep our bid process on track. Thank you.
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