West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont
Woodland Group

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC051682

Join us today to bring Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into community ownership


Becoming a Member is a clear way of showing your support for the WSWG Project. The stronger our membership, the more evidence we can offer to Forestry and Land Scotland that our local community is fully behind the WSWG Project. And the more the WSWG project will be able to deliver for the whole community.

Please note you must be 16 years old or older to become a Member.

Don’t forget – membership is FREE. As an Ordinary Member, or an Associate, you will receive regular Community Monthly Updates to keep you informed as to how the project is progressing and what events or other activities are coming up. You will also be first to receive notification of event details and any booking arrangements if applicable.

Occasionally we will send you other useful or relevant information as part of the local grapevine. In addition, throughout 2021, as a WSWG member, each month you will receive Margaret Lear’s wonderful Blog about the woods – a real delight to read and always such food for thought.

If you live in the West Stormont area – Bankfoot, Stanley, Murthly, Kinclaven, Luncarty, Redgorton, Moneydie, Pitcairngreen, Logiealmond, Glenalmond, Waterloo, Dunkeld, Birnam, Caputh, Spittalfield – then you will become an Ordinary Member.

If you live outside the core WSWG area above, please show your support by becoming an Associate. 

Information for Members

​Thank you for joining WSWG. Your involvement and support for our project is vital if we are to succeed in acquiring both of these woods for our community. As a new member you may find the following information useful:

KEEPING YOUR DATA SAFE: Names, addresses, or any other personal data will not be disclosed to anyone or any external organisation, outside WSWG except in a manner consistent with and according to law. Your use of this form will also permit WSWG to hold your data in secure digital form consistent within current GDPR regulations.


REGISTER OF MEMBERS: WSWG is required to keep a Register of Members which must include details of the full name and address of each member, the date of admission to membership, the date of ceasing to be a member (if applicable) and the class of membership. We must also keep this register up to date so WSWG may request at any time any member to provide any details which are reasonable for the purposes of making up the Register. Maintaining the Membership Register is the job of the Membership Secretary to whom any enquiries should be addressed in the first instance.

TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the Association is not transferrable. Members may resign from membership at any time. Membership will also cease in the event of the removal of a member by resolution under Article 13 of our Constitution.