One of our Wizzy-owls waiting to hear the latest news on the woods!
Exciting news for the WSWG Community and Taymount Wood inhabitants!
We are all very excited for our members, supporters and the wider community in and beyond the WSWG area. For all sorts of reasons, the process to date has been much, much longer than we would have wished, so thank you to all of you for your patient support and belief in the WSWG Project, expressed in so many ways over the past five years.

Our revised Wildwood Proposal for Taymount Wood is considerably smaller than the original CATS Proposal submitted in 2022 but with action for the climate and biodiversity emergencies framed very much as the primary benefit for our community. The Proposal retains the original Woodland Management Plan in full so that, when we own and manage the woods, the emphasis will shift heavily from timber to nature recovery and climate action.
Through a small staff complement and continuing volunteer input, a developing range of events and activities will deliver diverse benefit for our whole community across the multiple themes of the Window on the Woods Vision.

As the aim will be for Five Mile Wood to come into community ownership 2-5 years after Taymount Wood, the WSWG Project still intends to hold events and activities in Five Mile Wood in the months and years ahead.
What next?
A key milestone has been reached but there remains much to do.
We now therefore need our whole community to help us reach our ultimate goal of purchasing the woodland: little or lots of help; individual or collective; core or now and then, whatever you can offer.
As well as giving you the great news, this newsletter also therefore aims to galvanise our supporters into action. We will be keeping in close touch with you all over the coming weeks and months to let you know how you can help and get more involved.

Our focus over the next six months will clearly be on fundraising and we will need to be able to show prospective funders, both public and private, just how much our members and wider community want this project to succeed so that our woods will benefit by making space for people and nature when under our community care.

An early thing you can do to support the WSWG Project is to join us at the AGM on 28 November in Stanley Village Hall where as well as voting in the next board, you will be able to find out more about the Wildwood Project and eat cake.
Here our Wizzy-owls come out in force to celebrate the fantastic news!
We will be sending out the AGM notice later this week so please keep an eye out for that and come along on the night if you can.
Here’s to a great next few months!
Your WSWG Board of Trustees