What has WSWG been doing this month?
The “Community Consultation 2” survey! Which brought in a welcome 173 responses representing 376 adults and children
- 71.3% of responses from the WSWG area; 28.7% from outwith the WSWG area
- 52.3% of responses from members and associates, 47.7% from non-members
And here’s the level of support for different elements of the WSWG Proposal. Where 1 was strongly disagree and 5 was strongly agree, these are the average scores out of 5 for each area. This is overwhelmingly positive!

Once our current workload with finalising the CATS application has eased, we will respond in more detail to the broad themes which came up in the survey and answer some of the specific questions people asked.
But overall, we are just so pleased with the expression of community support this represents for the WSWG Proposal going forward as the basis of our CATS application at the end of November. Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this important Consultation, members, associates and non-members alike.
If you missed this chance to give us your feedback then you’ll be pleased to know that the survey is still available on the WSWG website so that anyone who has not yet had their say can still contribute their responses and thoughts. Follow this link
A Quick Reminder of the Plans
Proposed Access Improvements for Five Mile Wood (Note: smaller features like dispersed seats, picnic benches and waymarkers not shown at this scale)

Long term Vision for a restructured Taymount Wood – an enriched and healthy environment for both people and nature

Other Activities this Month
- Continuing work on the Business Plan and associated documentation to support the WSWG Proposal in our impending CATS application
- Joint instruction to Galbraith from FLS and WSWG for updated valuations for both woods
- 20 October – progress meeting with Forestry and Land Scotland
- Outreach for letters of support from a range of stakeholders to submit with our CATS Application
- Met up with Lindsay McManamon, our new local contact for the P&K Health and Social Care Partnership. Looking forward to working with her on our Healthy Living theme in future and thank you to her predecessor, Fiona Johnstone, for all her helpful advice and support for WSWG previously.
Word of the Month
Appreciation: The WSWG Project is such a fantastic, one-off opportunity for our community and our local environment, and our appreciation of your support on our long journey to date is huge. Thank you.
What’s coming up next?
- We have decided to leave the survey open on the WSWG website so that anyone who has not yet had their say can still contribute their responses and thoughts. Follow this link
- Target date for submission of our WSWG CATS Application – 28 November 2022. Watch this space!
- We know we’ve been a bit poor on the events front this year due to the massive workload required in getting everything prepared for the CATS application, but we do hope to arrange a few activities during December and in early 2023 which we will let you know about asap! Watch this space too!