These have included: a recce walk to reconsider some of the draft proposals in the light of feedback in the Community Consultation; an intriguing walk with a WSWG member to follow up some possible new archaeological findings; a very useful meeting with Graeme Findlay of FLS; and thank you, Pete Wishart, MP, for walking the woods with us to find out more about the WSWG project.
What else has WSWG been doing this month?
- Habitat Survey carried out for Taymount Wood by ecologist, Adrian Davis – report coming soon.
- Worked on outline Hedgehog Recovery Plan with TCV (The Conservation Volunteers) HogWatch Programme as part of the WSWG and West Stormont Connect biodiversity plan going forward.
- Follow-up litter-pick on 20 June with C406 Tackle Litter Group to see how much litter and fly-tipping dumped in Taymount Wood car park and woodland edge since 23 May. Way too much!
- On-line progress meeting with FLS (Forestry and Land Scotland). WSWG SCIO Constitution finalised and forwarded to FLS and Scottish Land Fund for ratification on key legal points relating to CATS.
- First on-line meeting of WSWG Shadow Board.
- New contact with Perthshire Nature Connections Partnership; ongoing networking with Tayside Woodland Partnerships and tapping into Perth Most Sustainable Small City initiative.
- Ok ….. putting this bottom of the list this month, but WSWG is still looking for a treasurer.

Word of the Month
Hedgehog: small, brown, spiny mammal. One of the oldest mammals on earth, probably here for 15 million years. Estimated UK population 30 million only 50 years ago, down to 1.5 million now, of which about 300,000 in Scotland. Now in serious danger due to habitat loss, declining hedgerow and other habitat quality, roadkill, bonfires, ponds, swimming pools and holes with no exit ramps, garden and sports netting, strimming and mowing, and pesticides on farmland, parks, streets and gardens. Conservation status: vulnerable. They need and deserve our help. Let’s do all we can to help their populations recover.
What’s coming up next?
- First Summer of Nature event: Bird-spotting Walk in Five Mile Wood Saturday 10 July. Meet at Five Mile Wood car park from 9.45am. For more information, see website Events page and recent email sent to members and supporters. Covid limit on numbers.
- Community Consultation Report will be published on the WSWG website mid-July & a link sent out to members and supporters.
- Site visit with Woodland Management consultant, Rob Mitchell, 8 July.
- WSWG Info Walks in Taymount and Five Mile Woods: 18 & 31 July and 7 & 15 August. More on website.