In January 2023, we will start the period of discussion and negotiation with the CATS Panel and so look forward to keeping you updated as that progresses. For now, we would like to wish all our WSWG Members, Associates and other supporters a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.
What has WSWG been doing this month?
Other great news is that the vegetation clearance is well underway at Five Mile Wood and will start at Taymount Wood as soon as Five Mile Wood is completed. Over the past few years, tree and scrub regen has been thickly smothering verges in both woods, seriously impeding access along the core paths and overwhelming the rich wildflower communities which we want to recover and protect going forward. And once again we will be able to walk pain-free with the encroaching gorse removed. The core path in the middle of Taymount Wood has literally become impassable, so it will be good to actually see the core path there again! Thank you to Forestry and Land Scotland for getting this done.

So now, let’s all have a wonderful break over the festive season, and please do get out into the woods and enjoy them over the holidays if you can. Here are a few of nature’s wonders we have come across recently in Taymount Wood.

Words of the Month
This Tender Land: Last year, WSWG member, John Kendal, wrote a lovely song with this title which we first heard at our carol singing event in Taymount Wood just before Christmas 2021. Here are the beautiful words of the first verse:
Into the trees this misty night beyond our human claim,
we feel the depths of Autumn’s treasure; Winter’s Earthly frame;
the Spring light and the Summer sun their warming rays to bear,
when silent life will sing throughout the land – this tender land…….
If you’d like to hear “This Tender Land” again and read the lyrics in full, click here
And thank you again to John for this wonderful expression of support for the WSWG Project.
What’s coming up next?
Despite our best intentions to run an event or two before Christmas, we have just been too preoccupied with the CATS Application. Now that’s in, we will do our best to arrange some events in early 2023! Watch this space (and the weather forecast!).