West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont
Woodland Group

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC051682

Join us today to bring Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into community ownership

Here we proudly collect your contributions in support of our mission to bring these Woods into Community Ownership.

Read about Community Contributions in this letter from our committee and make your own contributions using the entry form below. Then please browse and enjoy the many and varied contributions from some of our very talented supporters.

To listen to 'This Tender Land' jump to Songs & Sounds above.

West Stormont Woodland Group
Five Mile & Taymount Woods

Winter/Spring 2022

To our wonderful supportive community,

Since 2018, the WSWG Project has enjoyed expressions of support from members and the local community in many different ways.

Surveys and consultation have given us loads of feedback from neighbouring landowners and householders, woodland users and the wider community on how they feel about the goal of bringing Taymount and Five Mile Wood into community ownership and WSWG proposals for how they will be managed and deliver community benefit going forward.

There have been messages of thanks and goodwill, people telling us about issues needing attention, others helping with research on the cultural and natural history of the woods, and huge amounts of time given by numerous volunteers through the Steering Group, the Shadow Board and community involvement in project development, communications, administration and events.

We have been gathering together some of the creative works which have come out of WSWG events and pop-up stalls at galas and local venues and thought they would make a good addition to the website. We also wish to share some of the messages and comments from members and supporters and other ways in which groups and individuals have helped this project grow towards its goal.

We hope that during 2022 WSWG members and supporters will send us lots more expressions of support which we can add to this page to present as evidence of community support for our CATS Application to Forestry and Land Scotland later in the year, the key step which will hopefully make our dream become the reality of our community owning Taymount and Five Mile Wood.

We will use our Community Monthly Updates to invite your contributions but please forward them to us whenever you like.

We would love to receive photographs, videos and sound recordings, pictures of drawings, paintings or other art or craft works inspired by your love of Taymount or Five Mile Wood or in support of the WSWG project. You can write a message, or a story or a poem. Or write a song or a piece of music. Or record the birds singing or the woodpecker hammering or the insects humming or the breeze blowing in the woods.

Your contribution could be from you as an individual, a family, a school or a community group.

Please send contributions using the form below, telling us your name and the town or village you live in, but also letting us know if you wish your contribution to be credited to you or anonymous on the website.

In hope that we can bring these woods home for us all and with massive appreciation for your support.​

With love and thanks

Elspeth, Catriona, Shonagh, Vida, Betty, Bob and Alan.

Send Contributions Here Please