West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont
Woodland Group

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC051682

Join us today to bring Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into community ownership

Becalmed in Five Mile Wood

Still, sultry mornings make taking photos of wild plants easier ... but watch out for the flies...

The stillest of mornings, the air so immobile it felt intractably dense, clinging to skin, sealing leaf and stone and stick in a translucent medium that was thin enough to walk in, clear enough to see through, but strangely tangible. Flowers and seeds encapsulated, as if in glass paperweights, did not dance about, but stood like mannequins in frozen postures and poses. In the fields, sulky, ripe barley and wheat waited, slightly damp, for the executioner, heads hanging forlornly. Wild grasses supporting alien fungal growths, probably ergot, on their seeds, waited out the invasion in silence.

Above, the sky was thick and louring with cloud. Rain hung suspended, but it did not fall. I was glad of the cloud and the overcast conditions; perfect for the long walk I planned to spend the morning doing. Heat and sunshine slow me down and make me lazy, make me want to kick off shoes, dive in and out of shade or water. Late summer walking in cooler conditions is best for me. Few insects were about to begin with; even the usually busy hoverflies, seemingly curtailed by the quiescence of the morning, browsed flowers with lassitude.

Hoverfly on Lesser Knapweed

No birds moved and few were heard – a half-hearted woodpigeon began to call then stopped midway though. August is a time when birds hide and re-make their plumage, so this was unsurprising. Entering the wood from the straight track at the north end, I continued in a straight line, musing on ley-lines and Roman roads, even traversing the boggy part of the path with less detour than usual. Today, the gift of the woods lay in the static, frozen calm – it was just the opportunity to get close to flowers, fruits and seeds, to admire their detail and mutable colours, and then to take photographs.

Sneezewort and sedge, soft rush and ragwort in its glory….. heather and heath and the tiny eyebright…. pods of broom not even rattling as no breeze shook the seeds inside…. nightshade, yellow vetches, purple knapweeds and perfect blue scabious from which even a small beetle allowed me to focus on as he emerged from a drowsy summer sleep.

As I followed the circuit around the wood, all was shades of green; other colours had to be hunted out, for now is the time of seeding, next year’s flowers are in the making. But here came the challenge…. those annoying, damp-footed flies that only seem to be found in woodland, especially where there are conifers. You know the ones, they have no manners, no reticence, no fear. They hover around your nose and eyes, and buzz at your ears, and don’t even think of opening your mouth. When you swat them away, they shift about a foot, and then back they come.

The still centre, with flies!

As I explored the dead-end central path, and looked for opportunities to break into the secretive thickets of gorse and birch where who knows what evidence of the past lie buried, the conditions began to change. First the wretched flies broke the spell, then the sun began to heroically disperse the cloud, and slight breezes began to rustle, so that the flowers no longer posed in stillness. Luckily, fungi do not tend to wave about in the wind, and I found some charmingly deformed chanterelles at the south end, where I retreated under the trees to stay clear of the sun. As well as the chanterelles, there were several edible Tawny Grisette mushrooms. My personal code says don’t pick the only one you see. This means I rarely get to eat this species, as it only occurs as solitary specimens. There was one broken cap, beautiful in the orderly arrangement of the white gills, but as it wouldn’t have made more than a mouthful on its own, I left it on a fungus-stained fallen log to make a spore print – the white spores will leave an ephemeral fungal footprint against the black wood.

By the time I got back to the north end, things were stirring. Dark butterflies and exquisite white moths were busy; the flies continued to be annoying, and I was very glad of the breeze as the day warmed up. Stillness was indeed a gift, but now welcome to the wind!



Previous Articles

Community Monthly Update – March 2025

Our ongoing priority this month has been working through the steps involved in submitting our revised funding application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), including another very useful Teams meeting on 28 February with Lauren Arthur, our NLHF Engagement Officer. We have been using our Vision Refresh Report from Nikki Souter Associates to inform the shape and scope of this new application where we are approaching NLHF as the main funder in bringing Taymount Wood into community ownership. As this involves material changes since our initial Expression of Interest was approved by NLHF in 2024 when we approached them as a prospective lesser funder, we will shortly be resubmitting our revised Expression of Interest to them. If accepted, we will proceed to submitting what we see as a very exciting Phase 1 funding application as soon as possible.

But meanwhile, can you guess what this is a photo of? See our Extra Word of the Month below for the answer.

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Community Monthly Update – February 2025

This has been another month where behind-the-scenes admin has somewhat outpaced community stories or new milestones to lead on, so we will instead begin with a celebration of two natural highlights of the WSWG year so far. For most of us, the Aurora Borealis used to be a rare sight in Scotland, needing us to travel to the northern isles or northern Scandinavian for more reliable and impressive viewing. But recently, the Northern Lights have been much more active over the UK, both locally and even down to the south coast of England. Here are some shots taken of the skies above Taymount Wood around the turn of the year. Our second natural highlight is that Taymount and Five Mile Wood came through Storm Eowyn’s 90mph winds remarkably unscathed, both a joy and a relief to us all. Forestry and Land Scotland have carried out priority tree clearance to keep forestry tracks open. Thank you to those WSWG members who reported windblown trees across the core paths.

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Community Monthly Update – January 2025

It’s been a deliberately quiet month for WSWG over the Christmas period so instead of a summary of what we’ve done in the past few weeks, our focus this January is on wishing all our members, supporters and wider community a Happy New Year, and then musing, with the help of a few uplifting photos taken this week, on how beautiful our woods are when draped in winter sunlight, frost and mist and what a stroll in nature can do for our spirit and wellbeing at this time of year. So, if you can, make sure you enjoy this treat for real with your own walk in the woods, whatever time of year it happens to be.

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Community Monthly Update – December 2024

At this extraordinarily hectic time of year sometimes it’s rewarding to grab a cup of tea and take time to reflect on just how busy we’ve all been. Treat yourself to 5 minutes off and come down memory lane with WSWG for a photo montage of our Woodland Year. And it has been a busy twelve months for WSWG with lots of events bringing a wider range of people to the woods than in previous years, and even more going on behind the scenes in pursuit of our shared goals for our woods, wildlife and community. You can look back at all our Community Monthly Updates on our website to remind you of all the activities and connections we have enjoyed. We hope you have an amazing Festive Season and look forward to seeing you again in 2025. In the meantime, here are a few WSWG photos from a highly enjoyable 2024.

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Community Monthly Update – November 2024

Our top story this month has to be the fantastic Bush Craft and Woodland Picnic event we had on 2 November in Taymount Wood with Biscuit of Wee Adventures, working in the woodland environment on a “Leave No Trace” basis.

In the morning, nine pre-school to 6 year old children learned how to put up shelters of different shapes and sizes using colourful tarpaulins and strings and ropes.

In the afternoon, thirteen 7 to 12 year olds had their turn, learning about knots and tarpaulins, working out how to tension and guy with ropes and found stakes to angle and raise or lower the tarps. Tree stumps became seats and tables, moss, twigs and leaves became gardens, and so imaginations roamed all day. Frogs, beetles and millipedes were greeted with enthusiastic huddles before being helped out of harm’s way.

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Community Monthly Update – October 2024

Let’s start with a big thank you to PKC for the great job they have done resurfacing the U38 road from Five Mile Wood car park to Stanley past Active Kids. All done within the scheduled closure period and neatly tied in with a recessed tarmac apron at the car park. So much safer and more comfortable for everybody now the potholes and rough edges are no more.

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