West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont
Woodland Group

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC051682

Join us today to bring Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into community ownership

Community Monthly Update – August 2021

Finding consensus on specific woodland management proposals on a compartment by compartment basis in both woods has been the main activity for WSWG’s Shadow Board and advisers lately.

Community Monthly Update – July 2021

Now we can start to meet up in bigger numbers outdoors, we’ve managed several site visits with Shadow Board members in Taymount Wood for different purposes which has been really enjoyable and uplifting…

Community Monthly Update, June 2021

Acorn update! Just one month on, look at the change in our community-grown oak seedlings! This photo, contributed by Carolyn MacDonald of Aberfeldy, shows four of the ten seedlings she has grown from acorns provided as part of WSWG’s Little Acorns project. Her daughter, who is a primary school teacher in Perth, is growing another in her classroom, which we hear the children love. Really good to know so many people are enjoying being part of this project.

Community Monthly Update, May 2021

We thought a nice way to start this month’s update would be to enjoy the amazing detail in this photo taken by Manuela Toth of Bankfoot showing one of the oak seedlings emerging from acorns planted by her daughter earlier this year as part of WSWG’s Little Acorns project. Just think – every tree starts its life as a little seedling like this. With a bit of care, our acorns will one day become great oaks. If you planted any WSWG acorns, do keep us posted on how they are doing.

Community Monthly Update April 2021

West Stormont Woodland Group

The Community Consultation has been a great success and we are in the middle of evaluating all the results and comments (which are really inspiring and useful) …… a huge Thank You to everyone who completed the WSWG Community Consultation Survey!

Community Monthly Update – March 2021

West Stormont Woodland Group

Well, the biggest thing by far we have done this month is launch the WSWG Community Consultation on our new website. Huge thanks to Perthshire Websites for doing such an amazing job for us and to consultant Chris Collins for pulling together the WSWG Proposal Consultation Report, Maps and Survey Questionnaire to make this all happen. Both have worked magic for us above and beyond their remit.

Community Monthly Update for February 2021

West Stormont was the name used in medieval times to cover the parishes of Auchtergaven, Kinclaven, Logiealmond, Moneydie, Redgorton (Stanley) and the Murthly portion of Little Dunkeld. West Stormont has been chosen as the most suitably inclusive title for the many communities connected to Taymount and Five Mile Woods today.
Working with local people to bring
Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into Community Ownership

So it’s January 2021. What has WSWG been doing this month?

West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont was the name used in medieval times to cover the parishes of Auchtergaven, Kinclaven, Logiealmond, Moneydie, Redgorton (Stanley) and the Murthly portion of Little Dunkeld. West Stormont has been chosen as the most suitably inclusive title for the many communities connected to Taymount and Five Mile Woods today.
Working with local people to bring
Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into Community Ownership

Monthly Community Update for December 2020

West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont was the name used in medieval times to cover the parishes of Auchtergaven, Kinclaven, Logiealmond, Moneydie, Redgorton (Stanley) and the Murthly portion of Little Dunkeld. West Stormont has been chosen as the most suitably inclusive title for the many communities connected to Taymount and Five Mile Woods today.
Working with local people to bring
Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into Community Ownership

Monthly Community Update for November 2020

West Stormont Woodland Group

West Stormont was the name used in medieval times to cover the parishes of Auchtergaven, Kinclaven, Logiealmond, Moneydie, Redgorton (Stanley) and the Murthly portion of Little Dunkeld. West Stormont has been chosen as the most suitably inclusive title for the many communities connected to Taymount and Five Mile Woods today.
Working with local people to bring
Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood into Community Ownership